We went out and tested the TOP CROSSBOWS OVER $1,000 head to head. The contestants are the newly released Ravin Helicoil R9, and Excalibur’s new Micro Suppressor. In addition, the top-rated crossbow from 2016, the TenPoint Turbo GT Accudraw, which was the Outdoor Life Editor’s choice. From the Stryker brand, the recipient of the Best […]
Rounding Up the New Crossbows at the 2017 ATA Show
Another heavy hitter of the Outdoor Writers fraternity, Bowhunting Magazine has done a great job of rounding up the new crossbows to show themselves at the 2017 ATA Show. Can’t wait for the 2018 ATA show as I am sure it won’t disappoint with new crossbows ideas! Read the article here